
Standard Messages

Eigenflow publishes messages for each run start/failure/complete and stage switches.

(Subject to change) Currently each process has it's own set of topics:

  • process_id for messages on process level: run start/failure/complete events
  • process_id-stages for messages on a process run level: stage switches
  • process_id-<custom> for metrics messages, see Custom Messages

Published messages are json serialized instances of classes defined in messages package.

Custom Messages

There are 2 types of custom messages currently supported:

Metrics messages

Metrics messages must be added to each stage and provide StageResult => Map[String, Double] function to generate metrics. For example:

val stage = Stage {
  Future { ... }
} publishMetrics(_ => Map("total" -> 1.0))

In this case a message with process, stage and metrics information will be published to process_id-statistics topic.

Direct messaging

To get access to messaging system define implicit of MessagingSystem in process class constructor, for example:

class MyProcess(implicit ms: MessagingSystem) extends StagedProcess

now a message can be published using publish function:

ms.publish(topicName, message)

The message parameter can be any string.

Suggestion: GenericMessage can be used to add basic process information fields (not data!) along with the custom message, but it's optional.


By default Eigenflow uses PrintMessagingSystem which simply logs messages using the standard logger.

To enable kafka the following settings must be set in application.conf

eigenflow {
  messaging = "com.mediative.eigenflow.publisher.kafka.KafkaMessagingSystem"

  kafka {
    bootstrap.servers = "..."
    topic.prefix = "..." // Optional. The Default value is "eigenflow".