Getting Started

For setting up an environment on Mac OS follow the instructions for the DevOps script.


Add a library dependency on Eigenflow in build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "com.mediative" %% "eigenflow" % "x.x.x"

Create Process

Define custom process stages:

import com.mediative.eigenflow.domain.fsm.ProcessStage

case object Extract extends ProcessStage
case object Transform extends ProcessStage
case object Load extends ProcessStage

all stages must extend ProcessStage trait.

Create a process class:

class SimpleProcess extends StagedProcess {

StagedProcess implementations must implement the executionPlan method, which describes the pipeline stages flow. Describe it using the DSL:

val extract = Extract {

val transform = Transform { resultFromExtract =>

val load = Load { resultFromTransform =>

override def executionPlan: ExecutionPlan[_, _] = extract ~> transform ~> load

See the Process Stages section for important details.

Main Class

object SimpleProcessApp extends App with EigenflowBootstrap {
  override def process: StagedProcess = new SimpleProcess

Basic Configuration

Create resources/application.conf file with the content:

process {
  id = "simpleProcess"

Run it

sbt run

Note: by default it uses Akka inmem storage and PrintMessagingSystem (which simply prints messages to logs), what means it won't restore after a failure.

To configure storage and messaging system use application.conf

Example of storage configuration for a local cassandra installation

akka {
  persistence {
    journal {
      plugin = "cassandra-journal"

cassandra-journal {
  contact-points = ["localhost:9042"]

Example of messaging system configuration for a local Kafka installation

eigenflow {
  messaging = "com.mediative.eigenflow.publisher.kafka.KafkaConfiguration"

  kafka {
    bootstrap.servers = "localhost:9092"